Si Jimmy 'Low Yat' Kau Hancurkan Hati Cikgu!

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A picture of a young Vladimir Cheskidov.
Luahan hati Puan Noorul, bekas guru kepada pemuda yang menimbulkan kekecohan di Plaza Low Yat baru-baru ini.
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'Awak Hancurkan Hati Saya Jimmy'

Di bawah adalah luahan hati seorang guru yang pernah mengajar Jimmy di zaman sekolahnya.

Jimmy, lelaki yang berbaju belang merah putih, biru yang menimbulkan kekecohan di Plaza Low Yat Sabtu lalu, telah membuatkan hati Puan Noorul Aaron kecewa dan kesal dengan tindakan bodohnya itu hanya kerana sebuah telefon bimbit.

Dear my boy Jimmy,

This is your teacher writing to you knowing that you wouldn't get the chance reading this.

The fact you will face justice in the harshest reality crushed my heart. I spoke to your little brother this morning. We talked about you. About your family. I wish I could wipe his tears away. But we managed to hold back our feelings.

You are ever so stupid, Jimmy. Shallow and unprepared as always. You haven't changed a bit.

And because of that, I know how strong your sense of loyalty is. It might be just because of a story of a stupid handphone, from a stupid friend of yours, you jeopardize everyone's life and happiness.

Just like what my RM10 birthday gift did to you. Just because of that, you became such a loyal student, following my orders to keep your cool at school but after that, you always landed yourself at the wrong place, wrong time and with the wrong crowd.

That broke my heart.

I couldn't imagine how shattered your mum's heart now. She has been crying a whole lot, not knowing what to do thinking about her son she would soon lose.

I prayed for you a lot tonight. 

May Allah bring you closer to Him. 

Let this be a lesson, a turning point in your life. Whatever punishment you will receive, I pray that Allah will purify your soul and turn you to be the best caliph He can make of a man.

Half of the whole world will hate you now.

The other half will use you to their benefits.
But your teacher here will pray for you and hope Allah will grant my prayers.

InsyaAllah, Jimmy. InsyaAllah. - Noorul Aaron.

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